Hi Taryn

In terms of earnings from being associated with OpenSkills I'd say it's
been much more than 100 x the cost of annual membership for me. These
opportunities would not have surfaced had I not been a member. 

Other members have similar stories.

Now that the skillsbase is up and running, we're anticipating more
skills searching and more work for members.

Being on the committee, I'd say we are very focused on providing _only
excellent services for the members.


On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 11:53, Bruce Badger wrote:
> Taryn wrote:
> > Openskills you have to pay for... 
> > I find this a big turnoff and it's highly unlikely that I'd join. 
> We know that some people feel this way, but OpenSkills does provide a
> number of hosted services, and these do need to be paid for.
> An alternative would be to look for advertising revenue or sponsors. 
> Both of these options would mean that OpenSkills would be beholden to
> parties other than our members, and that may not be in the best
> interests of members.
> Being funded by members means that we can focus on doing the best for
> members.  If there is a better financing model that leaves OpenSkills
> free to focus on it's goals, we'd love to hear about it.
> All the best,
>       Bruce

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