At Thu, 30 Dec 2004 09:08:42 +1100, James A Coffey wrote:
> I have been using Linux for a number of years and the only gripe
> I have is that I can not find a terminal emulator that has horizontal 
> scroll bars or I can't find away to configure my environment so that 
> lines scroll horizontally and I can scroll through them using arrow 
> keys for example. Why would I want them I hear you ask ?
> Simply because when you are tailing a log file ( eg syslog from cisco
> routers or worse snmp traps) having a line wrap makes viewing the logs
> very difficult.  All I am after is something like xnmevent viewer from
> HP that doesn't wrap lines but alllows you to scroll horizontally
> without stopping the real time logs.

Try xconsole for a simple light-weight solution.  I'd use (x)emacs
with `truncate-lines' set to true, but thats a bit of a sledgehammer
if you aren't already using it for some other reason..

 - Gus

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