ok, stupid user question warning...

I have some files I want ot copy to floppy... I mount the floppy and
copy in the files. I go to umount it doesn't work... says the device is

I make sure I'm out of the directory - I am. I do a ps aux | grep fd0
and nothing shows up...

nothing seems ot work... it keeps telling me that the device is busy...
I randomly stumble around the web looking for stuff and trying things
with the below results in a listing below...

I especially got pretty confused when fuser kept throwing up random,
different stuff... but then I don't *really* know what fuser does...

suffice it to say - I'm stuck and don't even know where to begin to find
a solution - I've tried everything I (in my limited knowledge) know what
to do... and I really don't want to have to restart the machine to fix
it... I'd rather know what went wrong so I don't do it again!

Is anyone able to help me out?

thanks in advance,

serendipity:[~]% mount /dev/fd0
serendipity:[~]% umount /dev/fd0
umount: /media/floppy0: device is busy
umount: /media/floppy0: device is busy
serendipity:[~]% umount /media/floppy
umount: /media/floppy0: device is busy
umount: /media/floppy0: device is busy
serendipity:[~]% man fuser
Reformatting fuser(1), please wait...
serendipity:[~]% fuser -muv /media/floppy
serendipity:[~]% fuser -muv /dev/fd0
serendipity:[~]% fuser /dev/fd0
serendipity:[~]% fuser /media/floppy
serendipity:[~]% fuser -muv /media/floppy
serendipity:[~]% fuser -v /media/floppy

                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/media/floppy        root     kernel mount  /media/floppy0
serendipity:[~]% sudo su
serendipity:[/home/taryn]# ps aux | grep floppy
root     30506  0.0  0.1  1820  564 pts/2    R+   18:38   0:00 grep floppy
ps aux | grep floppy
serendipity:[/home/taryn]# ps aux | grep fd0
root     30511  0.0  0.1  1820  568 pts/2    S+   18:38   0:00 grep fd0
serendipity:[/home/taryn]# fuser -v /media/floppy

                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/media/floppy        root       3576 f....  famd
                     root     kernel mount  /media/floppy0
serendipity:[/home/taryn]# fuser -v /media/floppy

                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/media/floppy        root       3576 f....  famd
                     root     kernel mount  /media/floppy0
serendipity:[/home/taryn]# umount -f /media/floppy
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount: /dev/fd0: not mounted
umount: /media/floppy0: Illegal seek
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount: /media/floppy0: device is busy

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