See example two: Basic Tidy Usage....

On 5/25/05, Matthew Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to manipulate some HTML code with PHP, and it appears the tidy
> extension is the way to do it.  I have installed everything by the book:
> # apt-get install libtidy0 libtidy-dev
> # pear -v install tidy
> and added '' to php.ini.
> phpinfo() reports that the extension is loaded.
> Unfortunately, this:
> <?php
> $tidy =
> tidy_parse_string('<html><head><title>Test</title><body><h1>test</h1></body></html>');
> ?>
> causes PHP to segfault, when run from both apache and the command line.
>   Any other test string I've tried does the same thing, as does
> tidy_parse_file().
> Some other functions, such as tidy_get_config() don't cause a segfault
> (and actually work as advertised), unfortunately these are the functions
> that don't actually do anything useful.
> I am running Debian Sarge, php4, and apache 1.3.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Matthew.
> --
> Alma Technology
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