So, the way that we do this, along with a million other suckers running IIS is to use apache and mod_proxy and/or mod_backhand. Our apache server is configured to only serve SSL (i.e. redirects requests to port 80 to 443), and we have a vhost for the site in question, with mod_proxy pushing the URLs off to this other site (which is only available in house).



Bruce Badger wrote:

On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 12:00 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm not sure if this is even possible. We have an Exchange server
behind our Linux firewall runnning webmail on port 80. Would it be
possible to run Squid as an accelerator on the firewall but adding
SSL to it? So basically within our lan it uses http but from outside
(the firewall via Squid) it uses https. Any ideas on how to make
this webmail run over https outside our network. Thanks.


I certainly hope this is possible, because this is exactly what we plan
to do for the OpenSkills SkillsBase and membership systems.

Rob Collins pointed in the direction of the (still unreleased) Squid 3.0
as having better reverse-proxy support for authentication, SSL and load
balancing.  So far we are using the authentication capability only, but
have tested out the load balancing.  The SSL stuff is on the list of
things to do soon.

If you would like to work together on this, let me know.

All the best,

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