you should have a /var/log/mysql/ 
directory what does the error log say? if you don't what does
/var/log/messages say?
You might just have a syntax problem in your cnf file if you remove your option.

> > I have a severe problem:
> >
> > It started with mysqdump not working:
> >
> > $ mysqldump --add-drop-table kiddev sys_fid
> > mysqldump: unrecognized option `--max_allowed_packet=16M'
> I've hit this problem recently, too.  Check /etc/{,mysql/}my.cnf for
> "max_allowed_packet" -- most likely you've got it defined in there.  I can't
> work out why it stopped working sometime recently, either -- I'm thinking
> that a Debian woody security update lunched it somehow.  It's about the only
> distro which still ships MySQL 3.23... <grin>
> > Is there a more verbose option to start to tell me more info maybe?
> I hunted the problems down just by running 'mysqld' at the command line.
> It'll spew about 400 lines of crap when it dies -- it's the first line or
> two which are interesting.  Edit my.cnf to remove that option, run again.
> There'll be about 4 directives that will screw it up.  When it's running
> right, it won't spew at you, it'll just sit there and not drop you back to a
> prompt.  Run /etc/init.d/mysql restart in another xterm, and it'll all just
> work again.
> - Matt
> BodyID:35430253.2.n.logpart (stored separately)
> --
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