James Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My Question to the group: is there some sort of plug-in for Outlook (F/OSS preferred) users that provides similar integration. I've looked at PGP but the external user (the sender) doesn't want to spend that much $$$ on it, so I'm back to square one. I told them to run Linux too - but I was laughed at (idiots).

Any help or suggestions are welcome :)

I had a requirement at work about 18 months ago for one of my users to be able to send/receive pgp encrypted files (from a windows desktop). I ended installing windows privacy tray (google currently gives this link for the project http://www.stud.uni-hannover.de/~twoaday/winpt.html) which did the job well enough. It's basically a gui calling gpg underneath. It was a bit rough then but functional enough for a (very) non-techie to use (still in use as far as I am aware). I cannot vouch for what state the project is in now however.

The site refers to an outlook plugin which I've never used, so that may be worth a look also.

You could probably script up something that called gpg for you if outlook lets you call out to other programs (I've never used outlook).

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