On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 10:14:32AM +1000, Richard Hayes wrote:
> I am thinking about using a Linksys WRT54 running OpenWRT to capture data 
> from 
> a serial device and then  I would like to passer to another server in as a  
> structured message ie XML  (Dublin Core / HL7 etc) 
> Is there a very small XML passer?

I can find libace5.4 in Ubuntu hoary.  There are other small XML parser
libraries as well.

> Could you use a small web such as AppWeb?

That appears to be a HTTP daemon.  OpenWRT comes with some other one.  I'm
not sure why you need a web server on the WRT if it's just pushing messages
off at another server.  A bit of script and something like neon or curl
should suffice for pushing XML fragments to some other server.

- Matt

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