Voytek wrote:
> <quote who="Jacinta Richardson">
> thanks, Jacinta
> ahem, you assume I'm somewhat perl-literate, beyond knowing how to
> paste'n'save... I'm not...

My apologies.  Although I do find that it's usually better to to assume that
people who are asking about an existing Perl program are more often Perl
literate than they are Perl newbies.  :)

>  unless( unlink("$backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz");

Ah.  Remove the trailing ;  and replace with a ) {

> script now is:
> -------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use DBI;
> use Mysql;
> use Date::Pcalc qw(:all);
> $DB_Host = "localhost";
> $DB_Name = "mysql";
> $DB_User = "backup";
> $DB_Password = "password";
> $backuppath = "/backup/mysql";
> $myoffset = -3; # set the number of days back to delete. Basically -number
> of days you wish to keep logs rotating for.
> my $dbh =
> Mysql->Connect("$DB_Host;database=$DB_Name;",$DB_User,$DB_User,$DB_Password)
> or die "$Mysql::db_errstr";
> ($year,$month,$day) = Today();
> if (length($day)==1) {
>         $day = "0$day";
> }
> if (length($month)==1) {
>         $month = "0$month";
> }
> ($oldyear, $oldmonth, $oldday) = Add_Delta_YMD($year, $month, $day, 0, 0,
> $myoffset);
> if (length($oldday)==1) {
>     $oldday = "0$oldday";
> }
> if (length($oldmonth)==1) {
>     $oldmonth = "0$oldmonth";
> }
> $dbh->selectdb(mysql) or die "$Mysql::db_errstr";
> my $sth = Query $dbh "SELECT * FROM db" or die "$Mysql::db_errstr";

You probably don't need to to select *.  But it doesn't hurt.

> while( my ($ignored, $database) = $sth->fetchrow() ) {
>         print "$database\n";
> # Make the backup
>     system("mysqldump --opt $database -u $DB_User --password=$DB_Password ".
>            " > $backuppath/$database-$year$month$day.sql");
> # Handle any errors
>     if($?) {
>         # something went wrong... try to guess what.
>         die "some error as appropriate";
>     }

You might want to make the above error somewhat more useful.  Perhaps:

        die "Mysqldump failed for some reason.";

just so that you know...  I've reindented.  Hopefully you just lost the
indentation in your cut and paste.

> # Do the compression
>     system("gzip", "$backuppath/$database-$year$month$day.sql");
> # Handle any errors
>     if($?) {
>           # something went wrong... try to guess what.
>           die "some error as appropriate";
>     }

You probably want to change this error message as well.

        die "Failed to gzip file.";

> # Now that you're fairly certain that the new backup has worked...
>     unless( unlink("$backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz");

This should be:
      unless( unlink("$backuppath/$database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz")) {

>         # something went wrong... try to guess what.
>         # This could just be that the file doesn't exist.
>         die "if you think it's appropriate";
>     }

On further thought you proably want to change this die to the following:

        warn "Failed to remove $database-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql.gz: $!";

as failing to delete might not be important enough to stop doing all the 

All the best,


   ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._          |  Jacinta Richardson         |
    `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia    |
    (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |      +61 3 9354 6001        |
  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'           | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'             |   www.perltraining.com.au   |

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