> I am a linux newbie, and I curious if there is a rule of thumb when it comes 
> to
> partitioning the hard drive(using fdisk).  I have a desktop with 1024 MB of 
> RAM,
> and an IDE hardrive (80Gb).
> How much space would I have to allocate for /dev/hda, dev/hda1, and /hda2. 

Chuckle. Please excuse my smile.
I would suggest you put all of it as /dev/hda, otherwise you are going
to need another hard disk. You are confusing devices as partitions

Your master device on your first ide chain is /dev/hda
Your slave is /dev/hdb
Your master device on your second ide chain is /dev/hdc and
your slave on your second ide chain is /dev/hdd

Now, for partitioning, it can depend on what your hardware is and want
it for, but I'm going to assume you have modern hardware and are a home

I use fdisk
? - gives commands(?)
n for create a new partion
p for primary
1 for first
???? it will throw up a start cylinder that you accept.
then say +20480M    <- note it talks in MEGAbytes, not gigabytes, so
20Gb for system
(when you mount this partition, your mount it as the root ( / ) partition.

d for display to see your handwork
?????? accept this number
+1024M    <- probably excessive swap file
d look again

t for changing type
2  <- because you want number two partion as SWAP
82 (?)

d <- to check that partion 2 is SWAP

?????? accept this number
take it all

You mount this partition as home (/home).

d check it all

w to write it all out to disk

q for quick/exit

If you have older hardware, you may need to create a small (100m)
partition as your first partition. This would be your /boot partition.
Linux can read monstrous disks that old bios hardware barfs on, but you
need to have all the linux part that does this in the section that the
bios can read,

Don't worry, I'm yet to destroy a hard disk using fdisk.

Come back to the list with any further questions and clarifications

   Terry Collins {:-)}}}
   email: terryc at woa.com.au  www: http://www.woa.com.au
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Computers, Outdoors, Publishing>

 "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little
  security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin
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