Thanks Miachel and Gottfried.

I now have an opened file sitting as follows: /home/john/vym-1.7.0

Any advice on how I get it to actually run?


Gottfried Szing wrote:

john gibbons wrote:
I have installed Fedora 4 and have an application vym-1.7.0.tar.gz on my
desktop. Would appreciate advice on what I type into the terminal to
unzip it and then get it running.

to unpack (not to unzip because thats a geziiped tar-ball) use
$ tar xvzf vym-1.7.0.tar.gz

or alternatively to unpack the file to e.g. /tmp

$ tar xvzf vym-1.7.0.tar.gz -C /tmp/

during unpacking the tar-ball you can see a list of files. what to do
next depends on the content of the file. usually there is some txt-file
(e.g. install.txt, readme.txt, ...) with additional information.
worst-case is that you have to compile the application.

but maybe there is an rpm for fedora or better way to install vym on fedora.

br, gottfried

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