Terry Collins wrote:
> Okay, how do you layout an answer for something as simple as
> sqrt(175)-17**2 in latex?
> Looking for a/the method of doing the multiple lines showing your
> working with equal signs all lined up.

Thanks folks.

The use of the & = & isn't given anywhere (Lamport, or Gossens, et al.)
and that seems to be the key.

In the answer from the ether mode that occurs just after you send a
questions to Slug, I ended up working out that this worked okay;

$ something $ \=
$             \>    something $ \\
$             \>    something $ \\
$             \>    something $ \\

Thanks for the actual layout of the \eqnarray. That will save a bit of
hair pulling.

<soapbox> The problem with a lot of Linux application and stuff like
Latex is that documentation is woefully bad. I've spent 20 years winging
it in user support working out how to do similar and more complex stuff
in various MS OS based applications and the answer was rarely more than
5 minutes of research/reading and trial and error. For some reason, the
*nix side is still in the mind set of high priests in white coats and
decades of apprentice ship to learn how to do common tasks.

I persevere with *tex because it has been around for nearly 30 years and
I'm hoping it will be around for another 30 years, whereas the
"competition" re-invents itself every three years and wants $1,000 each
time. <UYs> </soapbox>

Yes Mike it is just basic high school maths (or it was when I was in
high school {:-), but rather than go through all the trouble of applying
for an exemption (find course outline, find certified results, time last
studied, etc ), it was easier just to do the four assignments (about  1
hr work each) and sit two exams (2 x 2hr) for about a total of 12 hours
work & travel to get one years work of work done in maths {:-).  Sadly
it is about 15 years since I did anything mathematically challenging, so
it helps get the brain back into focus even if  it is only an electronic
engineering course. {:-).

   Terry Collins {:-)}}}
   email: terryc at woa.com.au  www: http://www.woa.com.au
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Computers, Outdoors, Publishing>

 "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little
  security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin
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