Via email, Matthew. Just got another half dozen. Sometimes exactly the same advt repeated 3 or 4 times.


Matthew Hannigan wrote:

On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 08:05:02AM +1100, john gibbons wrote:
Some swine marketing viagra and associated products sends me several advts each day.It is the only advertiser to get to me via Firefox being run in Fedora 4. His advts vary at times and claim to come from different sources and are programmed to vary some content via random ommissions of letters in words, different home addresses, etc. However, the similarities are strong enough to suggest a single source.

Firefox recognises most of them as junk but misses on others. I identify all of them as junk and immediately delete them. Is there some way I can block them from even arriving in the first place?

I'm confused; is this in email or from websites or out of nowhere? (!)

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