On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 01:04:08AM +1000, David Ward wrote:
> I am looking for a new mp3/ogg player and was wondering what everyone is 
> using.

I can add to the commendation of the Samsung Yepp players -- although I'm
not sure why people think they're ugly (in fact, my wife saw the 1GB version
I bought myself, said "that looks cute", and suddenly I was in the market
for an MP3 player again).  My second purchase was an iRiver T30 1GB model. 
It was about $10 cheaper, but didn't come with the FM radio.  Not a huge
loss for me.  It, too, is a good player.

>   1.     Ogg playback without too much messing around, that is, no need
>      to re-sample to 44100hz or change to a specific bit-rate just to
>      get the track to play on the device.

Ogg support on both is perfect.

>   2. Plug and play in Linux.  Thus needs to comply to the USB mass
>      storage standard.

Both are just USB HDDs as far as Linux is concerned.

> Battery life is important 2, but meeting the first 2 points are my main 
> concern. 

I get about 3-4 days out of a single AAA cell (3 hours commuting plus a few
hours at work each day).  Both take AAA batteries instead of some
USB-charged custom monstrosity, which I think is vitally important -- it
might cost a bit more if you keep buying batteries (yay for rechargables)
but they're standard and, if you suddenly have a need for music a long
distance from your charging unit, you only need to find a store that sells
AAA batteries.

- Matt

I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating
grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all!
Type apt-get moo.
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