Del wrote:
>> Slightly related, well it is multi-channel {:-), but does anyone have
>> any experience with using a DEC Storage works array under dual linux
>> hosts?[1]
>> 1) can it be done?
> Yes.  It's a filesystem issue, not specifically a host issue, 
> Generally the storageworks units I played with left a lot to be desired
> in comparison with the EMC gear.  I wouldn't buy one or recommend one
> to a client, however if one's fallen into your lap it may be a fun
> toy, and better than a stack of yellow sticky notes from a storage
> point of view.

Thanks Del. Much useful information appreciated.
Yes, it fell into my lap. I suspect is is a very basic model. The most
useful thing was that it had a full complement of hard disks and i think
some spare hard disk and power units, so I can play with software raid,
although I/O isn't going to stress anything.

OTOH, winter is coming, so it will save running a room heater
occassionally {:-)


   Terry Collins {:-)}}}
   email: terryc at  www:
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Computers, Outdoors, Publishing>

 "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little
  security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin
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