On Sat, Jun 03, 2006 at 09:45:16PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
> based on many favourable comments about ubuntu I decided to try it, ummm 
> quite 
> painfull:

Primarily because you chose the painful way to do it.  To prove a point,

> I downloaded 6.06 server and installed.

Downloading the desktop CD would have been much more efficient.  Would have
gotten you past the first few steps.

> apt-get (can't remember name) install development-package


> apt-get qt3*, discard, app-get the relevant qt3 stuff, by cut and paste

Run synaptic, point-n-click your way through it all.

> apt-get install subversion
> apt-get install lame*, discard, apt-get the lame libs
> svn co mythtv modules
> make
> fails needing Xv libs (no lXv)

You want the system to automatically know what you're going to do

For building a newer version of something that's already packaged, the
chances are that running "apt-get build-dep <package>" will get you
everything you need in one easy hit.  The only exception to this is when the
newer version has added some new stuff it needs to build -- but at least
build-dep will get you most of the way there.

> OK clearly this is painfull:

Not painful (note spelling), just different.

> How do you get a list of packages and meta-packages that you can apt-get?

1) apt-cache search .
2) cat /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Packages |grep '^Package: '
3) Peer into synaptic

> How do you find out WHAT is in a package. EG I got various lame bits before I 
> got the development libraries needed to build mythtv? (rpm -ql)

dpkg -L === rpm -ql

> How do I find (in rpm speak) whatprovides -lXv ?

I just hit http://packages.{ubuntu.com,debian.org}/ and then type in the
filename I want in the bottom-most (or thereabouts) search box.  If you're
on limited connectivity, you can also keep a copy of Contents-$arch around
for looking in.

The .deb format doesn't have a concept of providing individual files,
though.  I think it's better for it, as it's meant that you get really
strict and well-adhered-to policies for naming library packages --
basically, you'll find the library you need in a package called
lib<name><sover> at least 99.9% of the time, and the development headers in
lib<name>-dev about the same amount of the time.  On the odd occasion you'll
need to "apt-cache search <name> dev" because the library you need is a
sub-library of another one that it's been bundled into, but that's pretty

> All of the apt-get info that I found, I googled for, or apt-get a wildcard, 
> then decline the update, but scan the output for hints on names. Surely 
> there's a better way.

Absolutely there is a better way.  You're learning the system, it's new and
different, so things aren't going to be obvious to you.  Doesn't make it
"painfull" -- just unfamiliar.

> Oh by the way, I'm trying to build mythtv from svn.

That was kinda obvious.  I figured it wasn't worth asking why you're not
just using the pre-built packages.

- Matt
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