On Sun, 2006-08-20 at 12:10 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 1) A toolbar icon
>    for spam:

Go in to preferences > Mail Preferences > Junk Mail and activate the
in-built junk filter (bogofilter?).

I think you can also instal spamassasin and have it work along with that

>    <click> icon
>    spam is bounced to notifyspam@

Don't know if it does this.

>    spam is bounced to learner


>      gets learned for spamassassin

Definately for the in-built spam filter.  Not sure about SA.

>    spam is removed from inbox

Tick.  Get sremoved to the Junk folder.

> 2) Get mail with a wmv attachment
>    xine DOES play wmv's
>    No <right click> open with xine, remember this association (kmail)
>    totem dies with 'can't do this'
>    save as works as with xine
>    gconf-editor seems to have no association bits

ave the file.  Open a nautilus window, right click on the file >
properties > Open With.  Can you select Xine from there? That should set
the association correctly.

To get Totem to work you'll need the appropriate gstreamer plugin (if it
exists).  Try the gstreamer-plugins-ugly package in synaptic.


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