I shoot with analogue gear, and very rarely do any post-processing. But
hopefully I can throw a few useful pointers out there.

On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 23:29 +1000, Sharon Doig wrote:
> I am a photography student at ANU. Issues with colour management has
> come up recently in my work flow. I want to have some recommendations
> on a) how to calibrate my Flat Screen NVidia Monitor? b) what kind of
> screen monitor calibration tools should I use and what software?

I use a manual method for gamma correction[1] using the xgamma utility
that should be included with your distribution already. To the best of
my knowledge, hardware devices like Spyders aren't supported under Linux
at all.

For full colour profiling, you should start by checking out little
cms[2]. It provides utilities to help generate ICC colour profiles,
which individual image editors are expected to know how to read (more
often than not, they also use lcms to do so).

As far as applications go, while GIMP is the posterchild for Linux image
editing, I wouldn't recommend it for truly serious work. Mostly because
it doesn't handle 16-bit channels. If that matters to you, then the best
option at the moment seems to be CinePaint[3], which started life as a
fork of GIMP aimed at motion picture editing.

Browsing through Wikipedia's entry on linux colour management[4] can
also be pretty constructive.

> c) how do I calibrate my HP Photosmart 7760 Printer to give a very
> close print to what I see on my screen?  

If you're not using the HPLIP[5] package for your printer, then you
should be. It has full support for your model printer, including
utilities for colour calibration. Browsing their documentation should
set you on the right track.

> Are there anyone who can give advice or have set up colour management
> for photography using a linux set up?

Incidentally, if there is, then I for one would love to see a SLUG talk
about end-to-end digital photography workflow in Linux. Even something
about managing large image libraries would be neat.

[1] - http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/02/07/2244242 is
one reasonably good description.
[2] - http://www.littlecms.com/
[3] - http://www.cinepaint.org/
[4] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_color_management
[5] - http://hplip.sourceforge.net/

Hope that helps,

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