On Thu, 17 May 2007, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> I have a motherboard with two identical (apart from the MAC addresses
> of course) ethernet interfaces. The two MAC addresses are
> consectutively numbered; XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:34 and XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:35.
> On most reboots, the interface with the 34 MAC address becomes eth2
> and the other becomes eth3, but very occasionally they get swapped
> around which rather screws things up.
> Is there any way to lock a MAC address to an interface name?
Hi Eric,
You probably need to write a udev rule to specify the kernel interface. 
Don't know how to write a udev rule? Have a look here:

Rule would look like...

SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTRS{address}=="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:34", 

SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTRS{address}=="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:35", 

I have gentoo and udev-104-r12 does this automatically, so if a device 
is used for the first time, the udev rules get created automatically 
and the so the interface name for the device doesn't change across 
reboots. I've just copied the rules generated.

> Cheers,
> Erik

Joseph Goncalves
66D6 71CF 87F9 6B17 6824 C692 9FF0 1DAF 7DAE E661

This rocky shrine to the skull of a ruler grants no prayers.  It has 
the grave of lamentations. Only the wind hears the voice of this place.
The cries of night creatures and the passing wonder of two moons, all 
say his
day has ended. No more supplicants come. The visitors have gone from the 
How bare the pathway down this mountain.

  -- Lines at the Shrine of an Atreides Duke, Anon.

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