On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 20:53 +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm a complete novice when it comes to setting up networks, and I'm
> running an ADSL router (D-Link 504T) on Ubuntu 6.06LTS (Drapper?). Turning
> of my firewall, through Firestarte, doesn't help. I wouldn't have a glue
> how to setup the network settings.

When I was using a 504T as a router, the Linux clients on my network had
a lot of problems with the modem's built-in nameserver. Windows clients
would work just fine, OSX would work, but I seem to recall it logging
errors with name resolution, and 9 times out of 10 Linux just wouldn't
work with it at all.

Somewhere else in the thread, Heracles talked about changing your Linux
machine's DNS server. If that didn't help, I'd suggest checking your
ISP's support pages for their name server address, and use that instead.


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