Hi everyone,

<checked and OKed by slug committee, as it should be>

Dojo hit 1.0 a couple of weeks ago. It is a great toolkit (we use 0.4
currently) for building rich web apps.

I chatted to the sitepen folks and they are keen to get a course going
downunder! Currently they are only running the courses in London and
Silicon Valley. The link is:


In case you cannot be bothered clicking through:

Topics Covered:

  * Dojo Base and Dojo Core
  * Dijit
  * DojoX
  * Dojo Utilities

APIs and development issues discussed include:

  * Ajax
  * Events
  * DOM, query, and behavior
  * Effects
  * Data providers and Wire
  * RPC and JSONP
  * Custom Dijit Development
  * dojo.declare and other advanced JavaScript language constructs
  * Declarative vs. programmatic instantiation
  * Vector graphics and charting
  * Cometd
  * Localization and accessibility
  * Performance profiling, testing, optimization, and packaging
  * Creating great user experience with Dojo

Note: Course runs 3 days, you need intermediate or expert javascript
skills and you will need to BYOL (bring your own laptop).

</checked and OKed by slug committee, as it should be>

Best regards

Stuart Guthrie
Polonious Pty Ltd
(w) http://www.polonious.com.au
(m) 0403 470 123
Polonious Support Numbers:
Sydney: 61-2-9007-9842
Chicago: 1-312-212-3952

This above all: to thine ownself be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
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