Rick Phillips wrote:
I have always thought that DNS servers for a domain may reside totally
outside the domain.  i.e. server.main.domain has no dns server running
but has DNS servers other.server.com and another.server.com act
authoritatively for server.main.domain.

That is correct.

We have a server with very sensitive information and the boss does not
want anything other than a web port open to the world.

Okay, that is fine and fits in with your previous statement.

> My experience
has always been that the server in question is at least the primary DNS.

This seems to contradict your previous statement. If you don't wish this "server in question" with the sensitive information, to run DNS services, why not set up the configuration that you already established as probable, with the DNS hosted entirely by different servers?

I don't understand why the current configuration of some particular server should rule out the possibility of a different configuration being possible?

Perhaps I misunderstand.

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