On Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 07:31:10PM +1100, Michael Chesterton wrote:
> On 09/02/2008, at 7:00 PM, bill wrote:
>> create /home on /hda3
> No, you just mount /dev/hda3 /mnt and
> cp -a /home/* /mnt/
>> rename original /home for safety until relocated home is verified to 
>> work
>> edit /etc/fstab - change current entry for /hda3 to:-
>> /dev/hda3   /home   ext3   defaults,errors=remount -ro     0   1
> then
> mv /home /home.old
> mkdir /home
> umount /mnt
> mount /home
I would do it slightly differently

(boot into single user mode)
cd /
mv /home /home.orig
mkdir /home
mount /home   # Assumnig that fstab is fixed up to mount /dev/hda3 onto /home
do a ls -l /home.orig and set the permissions on the new /home (you need to do 
this after the mount so that the permissions get added to the mount partition

rysnc -av /home.orig/* /home/ (this will save symlink and permissions and other 
stuff )

then reboot

once you check everything is working fine rm -fr /home.orig


> you probably want to do that in single user mode.
>> I shouldn't need to change the UUID for /hda3 in /dev/disk/by_UUID but 
>> will need to change th epartiton label in /dev/disk/by_label I  
>> believe.
>> Please confirm that the above is correct, or point out any errors if 
>> applicable.
>> After lots of Web searching I've spent hours recently changing UUID's 
>> and disk/partition labels due to moving HDs from another PC ( I 
>> currently have 3 IDE and 2 SATA HD's plus a DVDRW in this PC) and don't 
>> want to stuff this up.
>> Everything was so much easier before UUID.
> You're not using the uuid, so you can ignore it.
> -- 
> Michael Chesterton
> http://chesterton.id.au/blog/
> http://barrang.com.au/
> -- 
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Washington, DC
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