On Monday 02 June 2008 21:43:25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Yet there are so many who go nuts when the idea of accreditation is
> > raised.
> >
> > :-) [This cheap shot does not indicate my support for or against the
> > : idea!]
> As a profession, we have two choices:
> 1. start licensing and accrediting ourselves, with a structure we can
> live with, OR
> 2. wait for Some Really Bad Shit to happen, with a software defect as
> the root cause, and have the politicians force something upon us...
> something baroque, bureaucratic and onerous.
> I know which I would prefer.

I ponder and wrestle with the issue:

The uni's do not teach how to write *good* code, instead they do teach how to 
write robust garden code (and job preservation 'cause only *they* can read 
Hungerian Notation).

I watched my children and their mates, all graduates of different uni's write 
code: creative, elegant, complicated and eshrew simple and clean.

Now since the requirements for different code are different ie

my daughter writes billing code for iinet: It needs to be part of a team 
solution, and needs to be independent of her ...

I wrote the code used by PTC trains throughout NSW to read track transponders 
(and else where in Oz). That is very complicated signal processing, and since 
it is in ROM no defects are allowed (and none found in the last 10+ years)

So I would (probably) never gain accreditation (Too simple, ridged, pedantic, 
exact) and she could never write the train transponder code (but is an ideal 
candidate for accreditation)

She helped with the code for an olive picking robot 
Over and over I had to redo her code as it failed simple, clean, 
designed-for-3-major-revisions', read as bedtime stories.

So how on earth would we achieve the accreditation that meets both 
requirements. And if a accredited programmer stuffs up then ALL are branded.
I go even further to suggest "If you lean to program in basic, you are ruined 
as a programmer for ever" applies to the current situation :-)

Ponder ponder

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