

Objective: Get a Matrox G400 working in dual screen mode in Hardy Heron.
Status: Works in FC5 with the binary and as supplied by Matrox. Matrox no longer support this card so existing binary drivers won't load into the latest OS/Xorg versions.

According to Matrox, and the readout from startX when the card is detected, to work in dual screen mode this card requires the module (note however that the G450 card does not but this is a G400). The as supplied with Ubuntu doesn't work dual screens with this card, it doesn't attempt to load nor is such a hal driver supplied with the distribution.

Matrox "open sourced" the driver code which I've downloaded and have managed to 
compile under FC5. However......

When I try to compile it under Hardy I get lots and lots of broken includes such as pixman.h not found, (which turned out to be hiding under /usr/include/pixman-1) but I'm really stuck on xf86drm.h and drm.h which don't appear to exist anywhere nor does google suggest a package in which they might be found.

Anyone have any experience trying to build video drivers in Ubuntu?

Alternatively, anyone know where I can get a cheap dual screen card with 
traditional 15 pin outputs that
"just works (tm)" in Hardy?



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