This one time, at band camp, James Sadler wrote:

> iiNet managed to screw up my broadband connection last year such that
> I could not get a sync
> signal at all.  It took 4 months to resolve the situation.  In the end
> it turned out that a neighbour had
> moved in down the road, got his phone connected and somewhere the
> cables running between the
> exchange and our apartments, the phone lines were physically touching.

Then what you're saying is Telstra screwed up your line.  Any other ISP 
would have had the same problems.

> I still haven't got  my money back for the four months without a 
> connection.  I thought about going to small claims but at that point I 
> was so stressed by the ordeal I just gave up.

Have you made a formal complaint?  if so, and it's still unresolved, 
call the TIO.

> While that may have been true (or not) I couldn't give a damn as I 
> only have a contract with iiNet.

Contact your federal MP demanding structural separation of Telstra and 
this might end up getting fixed.  As it is, Telstra has no interest and 
no incentive to improving the service provided to its wholsale 
customers' customers, despite Telstra Wholesale being a massive profit 
centre in the organisation.

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Tourist Engineer
Just because you're on holiday, doesn't mean you're not a geek.

A reactionary is a man whose political opinions always
manage to keep up with yesterday.
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