Dean Hamstead wrote:

appdb shows a fail

i spent a few hours on it, until i just drove to my inlaws and used XP.
seriosly didnt seem worth the effort for a once off usage.

There is another option, but it may cost you. I had a bit of whinge
to the ATO just yesterday about the application running only on Windows.
The clerk was sympathetic and mentioned this site:

which apparently allows to submit your tax return online using
the web. A tax agent then submits it to the ATO on your behalf.

I still like the paper system. Takes me under an hour to fill
in. If the ATO receives a paper return before mid July, they
process it within a week or so. Anytime after that (I am told by the ATO)
and they begin bogging down with a work overload.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services || Internet Driving Instructor

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