This one time, at band camp, Peter Chubb wrote:
>   I'm a little cheesed off.  In the last three months, people have
> downloaded 9G per month from our website; search engines have
> downloaded 21G per month.  Only Google generated significant traffic
> through search engine hits (and it downloaded less than the others,
> too --- around 2G per month, as opposed to 10G for Yahoo, and 4G for
> MSNbot).  In other words, search engine indexing traffic was double
> the actual traffic from,au.

Ever since Google started being _really_ fast with index updates, all 
the others have been trying to catch up.  By "really fast" I mean my 
work launched a new campaign on Sunday morning and it was in Google's 
results by Monday afternoon.

> Is there any good reason why I shouldn't block (or at least
> significantly slow down) MSNbot, MJ12BOT, and Yahoo
> Slurp! ???  Yahoo is particularly bad, crawling and downloading about
> twice what the others do, and yet generating 1% of the hits that
> Google generated for us.

Depends how much you care about Yahoo's or MSN's referrals.  In the 
consumer space I work in, Google still accounts for the vast majority of 
hits (>85%) and a similar proportion of sales.  MSN + Live are around 
10%, essentially through Microsoft's domination of people who don't know 
how to change their home page let alone install an alternative browser.  
Yahoo gets around 4%.

For us, these are the people we target so it's very important.  For you, 
it might be less important.

You might want to look into the Crawl-delay extension to the robots.txt 
standard, which can limit by robot:

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Tourist Engineer
Geeks need vacations too.

 "History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once
  they have exhausted all other alternatives."
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