aaaaages ago i experimented with getting esound working over a network.

my experiment was successful and having achieved my goal i did nothing more with it.

but i had a quirky combination of softwares and hardware...

xmms running on a clamshell ibook running debian pcc via wireless ethernet playing onto freebsd for intel, via an aureal vortex sound card.

the vintage of the hardware reinforces how aaaaages ago was.
and yes it seemed to work fine. so feeling satisfied by my achievement i never did anything more with it.

esound is way old.

kde uses jack, and netjack can play over a network. pulseaudio seems to also.


Gerald wrote:
Hi to one and all,
Since some machines have no sound systems in them. I would like to get
network sound working.
I am using PCLOS 2008/2009 and KDE 3.5.10
Your thoughts will be greatfully recived

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