On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 07:21:32AM +1100, Ben Donohue wrote:
> Hi all,
> (this is a bit like an ask Slashdot... maybe we can have an "ask SLUG")
> my work is looking at rationalizing phone/mobile usage with possibly  
> VOIP between offices. I've suggested setting up Linux boxes and using  
> Asterix.
> As usual FOSS is a bit unknown to the higher ups and they are also  
> looking to external suppliers.
> Just a general question/thread on what have others done to get down the  
> phone bills of...
> inter-office calls
> calls to and from mobiles
> conferencing (mainly inter-office Australia/NZ and many Asian offices)
> Blackberry/Windows Mobile
> Idea's on how others have used Linux and FOSS applications to solve this  
> problem.
> Anyone do this for a living? (perhaps come in or give an intro on what  
> you can do for us?)

the simple steps I did to get voip (not necessarily foss ) into the
places I manage

1) played with it a home - get to know your hardware/software/ acronyms
2) I went with a sipuria ata 3000 - if fits between you phone and the
exchange no need to change the phone or phone line - you do need an
internet service capable of handling voip.  Note I have also placed it
between a pabx and exchange.  sipuria got bought out by linksys now
cisco the current module is a spa3102.

The really good thing about them is once they are in place if anything
goes wrong, just pull the power and the fall back to straight through
connections to the pstn - as if the device wasn't there.

Now just route all your outgoing calls with a VSP. I would suggest
pennytel for one reason, they can make you number (CID) look like your pstn
number, my net phone can't so outgoing calls looks like they came from
your normal land line.

you will probably save most of your cost with the above setup.
(depending on the number of lines and simultaneous calls etc etc0

once you happy with this then maybe move forward with voip / ip handset

> Thanks,
> Ben
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
> Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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