On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 08:52:38PM +1100, Bruce wrote:
> You might like to try a live distro, such as PCLINUXOS, with which I have no 
> problems mounting "foreign" drives.  Basically, the live distro runs from the 
> CD and you muck around with mount arguments (someone else may have a more 
> structured approach here) until it can read the drives.  Once you have that 
> its pretty easy to copy precious stuff to a USB drive or etc.
> I have used this several times to do exactly that.  It seems that the live 
> distros are better placed to do this than installed systems.

If you're going to use a live cd he might as well use the fedora
live/rescue disk.

Re lvm well I've found it it be pretty useful.  It's not that complicated,
and you can selectively mirror more fine-grainedly which I like.

The issue here is lack of backups, not so much anything else.

Sorry to be blunt, but I've had the same (actually worse) situation
(lost about 8 months worth of baby photos) and have been cursing myself
ever since.

EVERYBODY BACK UP NOW. -- (but read Mary's note/presentation too)

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