On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 06:28:26PM +1000, david wrote:
>> I was pointing out that XBitHack is part of mod_ssi, not mod_include.
> Is it???
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_include.html
> seems to suggest mod_include ... although I'm often wrong and I might be this 
> time.

Ah you're right and I suck,

>> As for what it does; well what do you want it do do?
> What I want to do is server side includes. I have another production site 
> where this works perfectly, but uses the .shtml suffix and 
> AddOutputFilter. It would be nicer if I could use XBitHack but for some 
> reason the apache2 parser doesn't like it.
> By putting this line:
> AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .html
> on my test site's /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mime.conf the includes 
> magically work as advertised, but that's not really what I want. The 
> whole idea is to only parse for includes when required instead of every 
> html page.
>> I'd take it out if you're not sure. 
> I'm sure what I want to do.. see above.
>  SSI (server side includes) can
>> make the security of apache a little more fragile.
> because??? Perhaps there is a good reason not to do it. I've got the  
> IncludesNOEXEC option happening.

because you're trusting (to a certain extent) client supplied data.
But if you want it, you want it.  No question.

As for the answer, well without seeing your entire apache config, I'd _guess_
that it's disable in the build or something like that.

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