2009/9/19 Daniel Bush <dlb.id...@gmail.com>

> 2009/9/19 Aleksey Tsalolikhin <atsaloli.t...@gmail.com>
>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Daniel Bush <dlb.id...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > Writing a little utility to help me on something but having trouble.
>> > Why does f stay blank?
>> >
>> > d...@lin4:test$ echo "foo|bar" | awk 'BEGIN{RS="|"}{ print $1 }' |
>> while
>> > read s; do echo $s; f=$s; done; echo "'$f'"
>> > foo
>> > bar
>> > ''
>> and
>> > The string being piped is an extended regular expression which I wanted
>> to
>> > prepend with a file path
>> You mean, like this?
>> # echo "foo|bar" | awk 'BEGIN{RS="|"}{ print "filepath/"$1 }'
>> filepath/foo
>> filepath/bar
>> #
>> If that's not it, could you give an example of the desired output?
> More like this:
> rprepend() {
>   ruby <<-EOF
>     f='$1'.split('|').collect{|i|i.chomp.sub(/^/,'$RSUBDIR.*')}.join('|');
>     puts f;
> }
> d...@lin4:image_library$ RSUBDIR='/path'
> d...@lin4:image_library$ rprepend 'foo|bar'
> /path.*foo|/path.*bar
> It's a long story and it's not an application, it's part of a larger cli
> utility to help me find and grep filenames and their contents in a project
> and some of its nested subprojects so I can think and work that much faster
> without having to pause and move around groping for the right file (from the
> shell).
> Thanks everyone for helping.
> --
> Daniel Bush
oh crap, before anyone beats me to it; yes I could have done it this way:

echo 'foo|bar'|sed -e 's#^#/path.*#;s#|#|path.*#;'

Daniel Bush
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