> > Aside from the work mentioned above, I also edit some really big
> > video files and do ffmpeg transformations on them.
> Right. In which case 64 bit is for you.
> > So, is there some way of choosing which of the above is the best
> > option for me?
> I'd suggest trying both out and see.
> Typically for things like graphics/video editing, I suggest 64 bit
> almost exclusively now because the programs are written assuming they
> can hold a lot of data in RAM.
> Adrian
> (Who isn't Daniel, but has hacked on a bit of PAE code in his time.)

Many thanks to Daniel and Adrian who is not Daniel for the helpful
pointers. Looks like a good time to try 64 bits.


Alan L Tyree                    http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~alan
Tel:  04 2748 6206

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