I was following Rick's recent post about penetration testing with some
interest.  I'm looking at complying with anz e-gate for e-commerce
transactions.  ANZ has this declaration form for internet sites that you
have to sign.  One of the tick boxes says "Do you operate a firewall that is
regularly updated?"

I have an iptables firewall which basically blocks all ip6 and all ip4
except for a couple of ports I expose to the internet.  I don't see why I
need to update it "regularly".

Do people use any additional application-level filtering on top of iptables
packet filtering for ssh or http (aside from any security configurations
that these services already provide) ?  (The services I'm exposing through
iptables are ssh and http. )

If not, how do you deal with a compliance item that makes dubious sense and,
if you answered it honestly, makes you look bad when you're not?

The other thought I had was that it could be they are conflating my
understanding of a what a "firewall" is with antivirus software.
If people (staff even) are uploading stuff via http then maybe I need to
scan such content to prevent my system acting as an agent for spreading
viral content.  But that's heading out of firewall territory.

Daniel Bush
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
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