Anyone heard of actual protests?


Adam Kennedy wrote:
Is anyone aware of any groups taking more direct technical action
against this proposal?

I'm more of a builder of things than a talker, and it occurs to me
that if the scope of potential blocking is as wide as it (naively, to
me) appears to be (and based on comments such as "80% of the 95
million porn sites fall under this criteria" from the Sex Party etc)
then the theoretical maximum size of the block list is something like
100 million URLs and contains every online games shop that sells NC
video games, and so on and so forth.

I'm pondering the idea of automating the web trawling process to find
NC content, and then just submit all 100 million NC content URLs to
the people that maintain the blocklist...

This is to some degree idle speculation, and I'm sure that any
specific attempt to do something like this would need to be more
thoroughly researched, but if anyone can recommend any technical
anti-filter forums within the various groups protesting this it would
be handy...

Adam K

2009/12/15 Mike <>:
I'm not sure if this belongs here, sorry if it doesn't.

Well looks like the government got it's way. Our Internet will be censored
next year.

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