
I just did a simple test, that might help you to a solution

1. Used mkfifo to create 3 pipes "mkfifo /tmp/r1;mkfifo /tmp/r2;mkfifo
2. Used "tee -a" to write a copy of data to each of these - "(while [ 1 ];
do date; sleep 1; done )  | tee -a /tmp/r1 | tee -a /tmp/r2 | tee -a
3. In 3 separate terminals did a "cat /tmp/r1" (and r2 and r3).

This *mostly* works, but killing one listening process seems to cause the
others to abort. I am guessing there is some foo I am not aware of.

Regards, Martin

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 10:03 PM, Del <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
> I have a serial port (connected to a GPS at 4800 baud).  I have multiple
> processes that need to read from that serial port.  I need all of the
> processes to read the same data, essentially creating a one way chat from
> the serial port to all processes listening in.
> I've tried using socat but if I create a socket connection, using, e.g.
> socat TCP4-LISTEN:25555,reuseaddr,fork /dev/ttyUSB0,b4800,raw,echo=0
> ... then have multiple connections in to TCP socket 25555, then each socket
> connection gets part of the data stream from the serial port.
> I've tried setting up a multicast, but because multicast is UDP based I'm
> seeing occasional packet-out-of-order and packet-dropped issues. Ideally I'd
> like it to be TCP based -- I have one process that can connect to a TCP
> socket for its data rather than read from the port, and I can use socat to
> create PTYs for the other processes that expect a serial port provided the
> data comes in in the right order.
> Yes, I know about gpsd, and one of the processes that needs to read the
> serial data is gpsd, but I have some processes that need to read the raw
> data provided by the GPS and not gpsd's output.
> Thanx,
> --
> Del
> Babel Com Australia
> ph: 02 9966 9476
> fax: 02 9906 2864
> --
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