On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Craig Dibble <cr...@rootdev.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have any thoughts on removing the sticky bit on the /var/tmp
> directory and setting it to 777?

In the past there have been exploits which relied upon racing
processes then modify files they have placed in /tmp or /var/tmp to
gain elevated privileges. Googling "race tmp exploit" will show up
lots of these. It is almost certainly bad practice to do this.

> The reason for this is that we have a large amount of data moving through
> that folder, in the order of more than 100GB.

I think data of that size belongs in /var/cache/ or /var/spool/ or
simply somewhere else entirely. /var/tmp/ is for temporary files that
survive between reboots[1]. If you have an application that requires
lots of space, I would put it on a separate partition and keep it away
from my OS partitions, maybe stuff it all somewhere under /opt/


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