Hi All,

I'm trying to find a Linux based solution that enables users to pay for print jobs. Solutions exist for Windows and Mac but I can't find anything suitable for Linux. Perhaps my Google foo is weak, but I can't seem to find anything that fits the bill. The closest is a library system which allows staff to view print jobs in CUPS and select which jobs to print - but that's not really useful for a public printing station.

I have been talking to one company that has Windows and Mac solutions and would be willing to assist with opening up their API to provide development of a Linux solution that works with their hardware, but to achieve this I'd need to interrupt the printing process as follows :

User clicks print, adjusts details in dialog box and hits ok / print which would ordinarily send it off to the printer. Instead of sending the print job to the printer a second dialog box would pop up and the user would enter a pin code from a ticket they've purchased. The dialog would then need to talk to the print server via web services to verify the pin code an ensure there's enough credit before allowing the print job to continue. If the user then clicks ok another web service call is made then the print job that was sent through is printed and the funds are deducted from their ticket.

Any thoughts / suggestion / experiences would be much appreciated.


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