On Wednesday 30 June 2010 06:08:42 justin randell wrote: 
> this looks like a wordpress code/mysql issue to me:
 > some basic things - do you have APC enabled for php? if you don't,
> apt-get install php5-apc, restart apache, and you'll get immediate
> performance gains.

Hmmm.... Google search... "ubuntu 10.04 php5-apc" .......


Installed that.

> i'm not a wordpress dev, so i don't know if they have any devel
> modules that can give you info about that sort of stuff, but i'd
> look for one and see what it tells you. does wordpress have any
> basic, built-in caching you could turn on?

Tried installing wp-super-cache yesterday.  Logs show that the blog 
was attacked about 90 minutes later and it went offline.   I don't know 
what that's about.  Deleting wp-super-cache brought the site back up.   
I'll have a go at wp-cache next.
> if you control all the moving parts, i'd suggest pushing the
> compression further up|down the stack (depending on how you look at
> it) to apache by using mod_deflate, rather than using php. you'll
> want compression for your static files as well, and this is the
> simplest and most cpu efficient way to get it.

Running 'sudo a2enmod deflate' reveals that it's already running.   
It's already faster than it was.

Thanks for everyone's help :)

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