On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Chris Donovan <alienreside...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So the command could be "mv ./-.mxf newname.mxf".
> Another way that you may find handy in the future when using system
> utilities is the -- argument eg: "rm -- -filname".  The example
> removes the file "-filename".  The argument -- often signifies end of
> arguments, and anything after that is translated as non-arguments to
> the command.  It's used quite a bit in GNU tools, and I'd guess maybe
> more tools.

Thanks to those who replied so promptly.

Clue has been restored to mental processes, and perhaps most
importantly, (l)user has been attacked with seriously large clue stick
and told to not do it again!

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