Youll find that there is ample information on the internet to be able to study the RH exams without paying thousands on a training course.

You may also find it more cost effective to sit the exam, then go away and study, then sit it again.

Each exam sitting costing the (ridiculous) cost of about $600. Which is still cheaper to sit it twice rather than go to a training course.

of course, ymmv.


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Rod Butcher
<>  wrote:
I have a background in mainframe computer programming on IBM systems but
want to move out of programming into Linux support. I've rolled my own linux
kernnal&  apps for a few years and have a fair idea of how Linux works, but
only in a home-use environment.
So - I'm considering getting some proper qualifications and am considering
couses : Red Hat System Adminstrator + Network&  Security
Adminstration + Certified Engineer. Total cost = $AU 9100. Any opinions out
there about how good an approcah this is - can I get a better return on my
retraining investment ?
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