The quoted HTML is missing the "<form>" tag and looks like a partial
copy/paste from a larger HTML page.

The <form> tag is important in order to learn the URL to which the form is


On 9 December 2011 16:03, Voytek Eymont <> wrote:

> On Fri, December 9, 2011 3:42 pm, Jeremy Visser wrote:
> > Thus spake Voytek Eymont:
> > If it uses HTTP auth, then just pass the --http-user and --http-password
> > options to wget.
> >
> > If it requires that you log in via a form and assigns a cookie, that's a
> > little more involved but certainly by no means impossible. Can't help you
> > based on the spartan information you have provided, however (more details
> > please!).
> Jeremy, thanks
> does this code from login box helps with more details:
> ======
> <tr>
> <td>Log In</td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td><label for="ctl00_cphLoginBody_Login1_UserName">User
> Id:</label></td><td><input type="text"
> id="ctl00_cphLoginBody_Login1_UserName"
> name="ctl00$cphLoginBody$Login1$UserName"/><span style="color: Red;
> visibility: hidden;" title="User Name is required."
> id="ctl00_cphLoginBody_Login1_UserNameRequired">*</span></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td><label
> for="ctl00_cphLoginBody_Login1_Password">Password:</label></td><td><input
> type="password"  id="ctl00_cphLoginBody_Login1_Password"
> name="ctl00$cphLoginBody$Login1$Password"/><span style="color: Red;
> visibility: hidden;" title="Password is required."
> id="ctl00_cphLoginBody_Login1_PasswordRequired">*</span></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td><input type="submit" style="color:
> id="ctl00_cphLoginBody_Login1_LoginButton"
> onclick='javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new
> WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$cphLoginBody$Login1$LoginButton", "", true,
> "ctl00$cphLoginBody$Login1", "", false, false))' value="Login"
> name="ctl00$cphLoginBody$Login1$LoginButton"/></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td><a href="passrecint.aspx"
> id="ctl00_cphLoginBody_Login1_PasswordRecoveryLink">Forgot your
> password?</a></td>
> </tr>
> ======
> --
> Voytek
> --
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