Is either device powerful enough to act as small business server? I realise that some people have turned the Pi into a server but I'm not sure whether they have been deployed for commercial applications.

Grant Bailey

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [SLUG] Smallest and Cheapest Linux Computer ?
Date:   Tue, 30 Apr 2013 12:15:04 +0800
From:   James Linder <>

On 30/04/2013, at 11:41 AM, Chris Barnes wrote:

Well i think it depends what you want to do with the thing.

The Olinuxino has something like 60 GPIOs compared to the Pi's 17 or so.
16 channel ADC
External memory interface
Also it looks like the Olinuxino has a built-in hardware crypto engine.

so really it depends what you want to do because some might say the above 
features are advantageous.

Chris I absolutely agree, but I was offering the opinion so that 
those-without-direction would not feel rasp-pi is somehow a beast of lessor 
proportions. It is quite cute and well worth playing with. My 1 sec read misled 
me to believe Olinuxino had video input, with luck V4L. alas.

Over the years a few people on list have really contributed to my deep 
technical queries, they would definitely appreciate dual uart or rtc etc, but 
most people on list?

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