On 11 July 2014 08:04, Peter Chubb <pe...@chubb.wattle.id.au> wrote:

> At the moment it's only a few senders, plus many spammers (which I
> ignore anyay, after reporting them)
> Peter C
it was a bit of an effort with Gmail on Chrome (on Windows), but I
refrained from top posting (but left the HTML) ;-)

Do you really report all scammers, or only special ones that are
particularly evil or obnoxious? And who do you report them to? When I'm
aboard I occasionally trawl through spam mail headers to ascertain the
malevolent mail relays or sources, but despite numerous mails to
ab...@dumbcompany.com or the like I think I have only ever had one thank
you for me being a net vigilante, Even my work's CERT or the AUS-CERT, Fair
TRading, seem relatively non-interested unless it is a "serious" attempt at
extortion or fraud.

Regards, Martin
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