All jobs on the partition which use --ntasks-per-node in the sbatch
script are not scheduled any more. The log shows:

[2013-08-07T12:07:32.016] cons_res: _can_job_run_on_node: 0 cpus on 
gpu-2-13(0), mem 0/245760
[2013-08-07T12:07:32.016] cons_res: _can_job_run_on_node: 0 cpus on 
gpu-2-14(0), mem 0/245760
[2013-08-07T12:07:32.016] cons_res: _can_job_run_on_node: 0 cpus on 
gpu-2-15(0), mem 0/245760
[2013-08-07T12:07:32.016] cons_res: _can_job_run_on_node: 0 cpus on 
gpu-2-16(0), mem 0/245760
[2013-08-07T12:07:32.016] cons_res: cr_job_test: test 0 fail: insufficient 
[2013-08-07T12:07:32.016] no job_resources info for job 24243
[2013-08-07T12:07:32.016] _pick_best_nodes: job 24243 never runnable

Those same jobs were running yesterday and there have been no changes to
the slurm configuration. Also I restarted slurm on all nodes which
didn't improve anything.

Any job script which uses only --nodes=1 runs without a problem in hte
same partiotn which rejects the --ntasks-per-node job.

Any idea what the problem with --ntasks-per-node is?


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