Well more like the naive ones namely:

sacctmgr delete job JobID

How do you set the endtime?  Do you do that via scontrol?

-Paul Edmon-

On 04/21/2014 10:14 PM, Danny Auble wrote:
What are the obvious ones?

I would expect setting the end time to the start time and state to 4 (I think that is a completed state) should do it.

On April 21, 2014 6:54:22 PM PDT, Paul Edmon <ped...@cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:

    Sure I can hunt that info down.  So what would be the command to remove
    the job from the DB?  I tried the obvious ones I could think of but with
    not effect.

    -Paul Edmon-

    On 4/21/2014 4:31 PM, Danny Auble wrote:

        Paul, you should be able to remove the job with no issue. The
        real question is why is it still running in the database
        instead of completed. If you happen to have any logs on the
        job and the information from the database it would be nice to
        look at since what you are describing shouldn't be possible. I
        know others have seen this before but no one has found a
        reproducer yet or any evidence on how the state was achieved.
        Let me know if you have anything like this. Thanks, Danny On
        04/21/14 13:05, Paul Edmon wrote:

            Is there a way to delete a JobID and it's relevant data
            from the slurm database? I have a user that I want to
            remove but there is a job which slurm thinks is not
            complete that is preventing me. I want slurm to just
            remove that job data as it shouldn't impact anything.
-Paul Edmon-

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