After a bit of back and forth with David, here is what I found:

- slurmd/srun used to buffer stdout internally in old versions (I know for sure this happened in v2.6.2).
  This buffering can be turned off using --unbuffered .
  This is distinct from any buffering done on the user task.

- sometime after that slurm stopped buffering internally in all cases. So --unbuffered became a no-op.

- In version 14.11, a patch was added to make --unbuffered allocate a pty (exactly as the srun --pty option). This caused the user task's stdlib to line buffer the output by default. There are other side effects to allocating a pty. "\n"s in the output stream is converted to "\r\n". Signals are handled differently, I think. So, if you are expecting to send/receive binary data, don't use --unbuffered. In my opinion making --unbuffered allocate a pty is very counter intuitive. If someone needs a pty, they can use --pty.

For my use case, I just removed --unbuffered, and things work fine (ie, no buffering, and no mangling of the stdout) We always use fflush() or write(), so buffering in our code is not a issue for us.

David mentioned that he would clarify the man page, if he decides to keep the current behavior.

Thanks David for helping us resolve this issue.


On 02/25/2015 06:40 PM, Manu Thambi wrote:
Hi David,

The following commit (which is included in version 14.11.4) seems to make
stdout buffered when --unbuffered is passed in, which seems wrong.

We are using --unbufferred to get a binary pipe to the task.
If this change is intentional, then how can we get an unbuffered pipe to the task? Also, when --unbuffered is passed in, "\n" seems to be translated to "\r\n" on Linux


commit 064cdb5eb6ea95ca23b1d5118b96dd04aa4c7e06
Author: David Bigagli <>
Date:   Thu Aug 14 17:39:41 2014

    If using -u/unbuffered set the stdout of the task to be
    line buffered.

Manu Thambi
Mesh Capital, LLC

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