
You could always use the "nice" feature to change the priority of your old jobs.

It might be a little bit of a work to make a script that sets the nice value of all your jobs but nothing that some cut/grep/xargs can't fix ;-)


On 2015-08-28 15:48, Kumar, Amit wrote:

If I am a regular user and imagine I have ton’s of jobs submitted, then
I come up with another batch of jobs that I want to run before that
batch I submitted few hours back that is still in the queue waiting for
resources and priority. Is there a way to do this?  From an admin
perspective I wouldn’t want this, because users could misuse this
feature. But from a user perspective I could genuinely have some
dependencies that I would like to have it addressed before beginning my
batch of thousands of jobs.

Any help here is greatly appreciated.


Magnus Jonsson, Developer, HPC2N, Umeå Universitet

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