That sounds about right. We have about the same order of magnitude and our last major upgrade took about an hour for the DB to update itself.

-Paul Edmon-

On 1/12/2016 5:04 PM, Andrew E. Bruno wrote:
We're planning an upgrade from 14.11.10 to 15.08.6 and in the past the
slurmdbd upgrades can take a while (~20-30 minutes). Curious if there's
any way to gauge what we can expect this time? To give an idea, we have
upwards of ~4.5 million records in our job tables. We frequently get
these warnings in our logs:

  Warning: Note very large processing time from hourly_rollup

Also, any "best practices" for upgrading the slurmdbd other than:

   yum update; systemctl restart slurmdbd

(this usually hangs until the database migrations are complete)

Thanks in advance for any pointers.



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